
Mr. Elmer's Advisory Class!!!!!!

Please check the following and report back to me when finished

1. Check your access to an at home computer and internet. please contact me asap with the confirmation or if you need help securing a computer. this is IF we move to online instruction for the remander of the year.

2. Make sure you can log into your MUHS google account. Example -->

3. Have access to all Google classrooms. Start with Advosry. If not signed into google classroom here is the code for Elmer's Advisory: u2snvap. This will only work if logged into an MUHS account

4. Sign up for Remind account. This will allow me to contact you directly via text message. simply:

    -Send text to this number: 81010

    -Text this message: @elmersa

Note: If you have any questions please email me or send text via remind or